A WAICU affinity group is identified by organizational function and provides a way for WAICU-member college and university colleagues to network, share ideas and best practices, seek advice, and gain professional development.
Most affinity groups meet on a frequency determined by the group, which may be monthly to annually, although there are some where meetings are not typical. WAICU staff liaisons facilitate meetings and promote communication.
Each affinity group has a WAICU Connect for digital communication unless otherwise indicated. Only members of a group are able to use the group’s WAICU Connect. Employees of WAICU-member colleges and universities may contact the liaison listed below to inquire about joining an appropriate group.
** without listserv
Academic Advising
WAICU Liaison: Taylor Hooker taylor.hooker@waicu.org
WAICU Connect: academicadvising@connect.waicu.org
Admission Officers
WAICU Liaison: Taylor Hooker taylor.hooker@waicu.org
WAICU Connect: admissionofficers@connect.waicu.org
WAICU Liaison: Taylor Hooker taylor.hooker@waicu.org
WAICU Connect: graduateadmission@connect.waicu.org
Advancement Officers
WAICU Liaison: Rebecca Larson rebecca.larson@waicu.org
WAICU Connect: advancementofficers@connect.waicu.org
Alumni/ae Directors
WAICU Liaison: Rebecca Larson rebecca.larson@waicu.org
WAICU Connect: alumni@connect.waicu.org
Assistants to Presidents
WAICU Liaison: Sonja Umberger sonja.umberger@waicu.org
WAICU Connect: assistants@connect.waicu.org
Athletic Department
WAICU Liaison: Jennifer deHart jennifer.dehart@waicu.org
WAICU Connect: athletic@connect.waicu.org
Business Officers
WAICU Liaison: Jennifer deHart jennifer.dehart@waicu.org
WAICU Connect: businessofficers@connect.waicu.org
Business Office Staff
WAICU Liaison: Jennifer deHart jennifer.dehart@waicu.org
WAICU Connect: boffice@connect.waicu.org
Career Development Directors
Also known as Wisconsin Private College Career Consortium (WIPCCC)
WAICU Liaison: Taylor Hooker taylor.hooker@waicu.org
WAICU Connect: WIPCCC@connect.waicu.org
Chief Academic Officers
WAICU Liaison: Kathy Paul kathy.paul@waicu.org
WAICU Connect: chiefacademicofficers@connect.waicu.org
Compliance & Risk Management
WAICU Liaison: Jennifer deHart jennifer.dehart@waicu.org
WAICU Connect: compliance@connect.waicu.org
Department and Division Chairs
WAICU Liaison: Kathy Paul kathy.paul@waicu.org
WAICU Connect: departmentchairs@connect.waicu.org
Disability Services Directors
WAICU Liaison: Pamela Seelman pamela.seelman@waicu.org
WAICU Connect: disabilityservices@connect.waicu.org
WAICU Liaison: Pamela Seelman pamela.seelman@waicu.org
WAICU Connect: editors@connect.waicu.org
Environmental Health & Safety Directors
WAICU Liaison: Shawn Robin shawn.robin@waicu.org
WAICU Connect: EHS@connect.waicu.org
WAICU Liaison: Shawn Robin shawn.robin@waicu.org
WAICU Connect: esports@connect.waicu.org
Event Planners
WAICU Liaison: Jennifer deHart jennifer.dehart@waicu.org
WAICU Connect: eventplanners@connect.waicu.org
Facilities Managers
WAICU Liaison: Jennifer deHart jennifer.dehart@waicu.org
WAICU Connect: facilitiesmanagers@connect.waicu.org
Financial Aid Directors
WAICU Liaison: Rebecca Larson rebecca.larson@waicu.org
WAICU Connect: financialaid@connect.waicu.org
WAICU Liaison: Rebecca Larson rebecca.larson@waicu.org
WAICU Connect: grantdevelopment@connect.waicu.org
Hall Directors
WAICU Liaison: Pamela Seelman pamela.seelman@waicu.org
WAICU Connect: halldirectors@connect.waicu.org
Human Resources Directors
WAICU Liaison: Shawn Robin shawn.robin@waicu.org
WAICU Connect: humanresources@connect.waicu.org
Information Technology Directors
WAICU Liaison: Shawn Robin shawn.robin@waicu.org
WAICU Connect: informationtechnology@connect.waicu.org
Institutional Researchers
WAICU Liaison: Linh Anh Le linh.anh@waicu.org
WAICU Connect: institutionalresearchers@connect.waicu.org
Instructional Design & Technology
WAICU Liaison: Pamela Seelman pamela.seelman@waicu.org
WAICU Connect: instructionaldesign@connect.waicu.org
International/Study Abroad Directors
WAICU Liaison: Kathy Paul kathy.paul@waicu.org
WAICU Connect: international@connect.waicu.org
Library Directors **
WAICU Liaison: Linh Anh Le linh.anh@waicu.org
Marketing & Communications
WAICU Liaison: Pamela Seelman pamela.seelman@waicu.org
WAICU Connect: marketing@connect.waicu.org
Mental Health Counselors
WAICU Liaison: Jennifer deHart jennifer.dehart@waicu.org
WAICU Connect: mentalhealth@connect.waicu.org
Multicultural Affairs Directors
WAICU Liaison: Kathy Paul kathy.paul@waicu.org
WAICU Connect: multiculturalaffairs@connect.waicu.org
Nursing Deans
WAICU Liaison: Kathy Paul kathy.paul@waicu.org
WAICU Connect: nursingdeans@connect.waicu.org
WAICU Liaison: Linh Anh Le linh.anh@waicu.org
WAICU Connect: registrars@connect.waicu.org
Residence Life Directors
WAICU Liaison: Pamela Seelman pamela.seelman@waicu.org
WAICU Connect: residencelife@connect.waicu.org
Safety & Security Directors
WAICU Liaison: Shawn Robin shawn.robin@waicu.org
WAICU Connect: safetyandsecurity@connect.waicu.org
WAICU Liaison: Rebecca Larson rebecca.larson@waicu.org
WAICU Connect: SARA@connect.waicu.org
Senior Diversity Officers
WAICU Liaison: Kathy Paul kathy.paul@waicu.org
WAICU Connect: seniordiversityofficers@connect.waicu.org
Senior Student Affairs Officers
WAICU Liaison: Kathy Paul kathy.paul@waicu.org
WAICU Connect: seniorstudentaffairs@connect.waicu.org
Student Activities & Residence Life
WAICU Liaison: Pamela Seelman pamela.seelman@waicu.org
WAICU Connect: studentactivities@connect.waicu.org
Student Health Services Directors
WAICU Liaison: Jennifer deHart jennifer.dehart@waicu.org
WAICU Connect: studenthealth@connect.waicu.org
Student Success
WAICU Liaison: Kathy Paul kathy.paul@waicu.org
WAICU Connect: studentsuccess@connect.waicu.org
Teacher Education Deans/Directors (WICTE-WACTE) **
WAICU Liaison: Taylor Hooker taylor.hooker@waicu.org
Title IX
WAICU Liaison: Shawn Robin shawn.robin@waicu.org
WAICU Connect: titleIX@connect.waicu.org
Transfer Coordinators
WAICU Liaison: Kathy Paul kathy.paul@waicu.org
WAICU Connect: transfercoordinators@connect.waicu.org
Veterans Coordinator
WAICU Liaison: Kathy Paul kathy.paul@waicu.org
WAICU Connect: veterans@connect.waicu.org
Youth Options / ECCP / Dual Enrollment **
WAICU Liaison: Taylor Hooker taylor.hooker@waicu.org