Wisconsin’s Higher Education Sectors Convene for Annual Transfer Meeting
The annual Collaborative Transfer Coordinators meeting jointly organized by WAICU, the Wisconsin Technical College System, the Universities of Wisconsin, and the College of Menominee Nation took place at University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point on Wednesday, October 9.
Close to 100 administrators attended in-person and online to address topics that ensure guided support for transfer students working toward degree completion and which will strengthen Wisconsin’s economic vitality.
Some highlights of the day included:
- A “Student and Transfer Coordinator Panel” included participation by Lakeland University Senior Vice President of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management Jonathan Feld and two current students who transferred to Lakeland from Lakeshore Technical College. Additional panel members included transfer coordinators and students from UW-Steven Point and from Mid-State Technical College.
- Senior leaders from the four sectors of higher education in Wisconsin gave a collaborative presentation entitled “Our Shared Commitment to Student Success.” WAICU Executive Vice President for External Relations Rebecca Larson represented the private, nonprofit college sector.
- All attendees participated in individual breakout groups based on their campus role to discuss challenges and best practices.
- Attendees received a brief update on the status of the statewide Transferology Community of Practice that includes colleagues across Wisconsin who meet quarterly in a virtual format to discuss ideas and strong practices for college transfer.
- Each higher education sector offered a breakout session for their constituents. As a result of interest from WAICU members in their relevant breakout session, WAICU staff will develop a WAICU Connect group for transfer coordinators and others who work in transfer (admissions, registrars, and advisors) so they can communicate online throughout the year.
Mark your calendar for next year’s meeting, which will take place at Moraine Park Technical College in Fond du Lac, on Tuesday, October 14, 2025.
For more information, email WAICU Senior Project Administrator Kathy Paul, or WAICU Executive Vice President for External Relations Rebecca Larson.