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Carroll University

Waukesha, WI

Wisconsin’s oldest institution of higher learning has an emphasis on providing students a relevant and comprehensive liberal arts education.

Carroll Campus

Quick Facts

2,780 full-time undergraduates; 3,500 total enrollment
Tuition and fees
Room and board
Student/faculty ratio
Major Areas of Study
Athletic Training

Available as a major

Choral Music

Available as a major, with teaching certificate if desired

Ripon College

Ripon, WI

“Community” defines Ripon. The college’s personal approach to education, student/faculty relationships, small classes, residential nature, and liberal arts focus all help set Ripon apart. 

Ripon College

Quick Facts

Tuition and Fees
Room and Board:
Student/faculty ratio
Major Areas of Study
Athletic Training

Available as a major

Choral Music

Available as a major, with teaching certificate if desired

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