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Edgewood College

Madison, WI

Edgewood College offers students the best of both worlds: the benefits of a small, private college and the perks of life in Wisconsin's vibrant capital city.

Quick Facts

2,007 total enrollment; 1,377 undergraduate; 630 graduate
Tuition and fees
Room and board
Student/faculty ratio
Major Areas of Study
Health Care and Wellness Management

Available as an area of emphasis


Marian University

Fond du Lac, WI

Inspired to help you succeed, Marian University takes pride in providing an applied, values-based education that meets the needs of all students.

Quick Facts

1,950+ total enrollment; 1,200+ traditional daytime students
Tuition and fees
Room and board
Student/faculty ratio
Major Areas of Study
Health Care and Wellness Management

Available as a major or minor

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