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Alverno College

Milwaukee, WI

A women's college with a unique, cutting-edge curriculum which develops eight core abilities critical in the worlds of work, academics, family, and community service.


Quick Facts

1,876 students
Tuition and fees
Room and board
Student/faculty ratio
Major Areas of Study
Communication / Communication Studies

Available as a major

Pharmaceutical Science

Available as a major

Edgewood College

Madison, WI

Edgewood College offers students the best of both worlds: the benefits of a small, private college and the perks of life in Wisconsin's vibrant capital city.

Quick Facts

2,007 total enrollment; 1,377 undergraduate; 630 graduate
Tuition and fees
Room and board
Student/faculty ratio
Major Areas of Study
Communication / Communication Studies

Available as a major or minor

Pharmaceutical Science

Available as an area of emphasis

Lakeland University

Sheboygan, WI

Lakeland goes beyond the typical personalized experience that is common at small colleges. Lakeland students learn skills and build relationships that position them for post-graduate success.

Quick Facts

3,000 total enrollment; 700 traditional undergraduate students
Tuition and fees
Room and board
Student/faculty ratio
Major Areas of Study
Communication / Communication Studies

Available as a major or minor, with an area of emphasis

Pharmaceutical Science

Available as an area of emphasis

Ripon College

Ripon, WI

“Community” defines Ripon. The college’s personal approach to education, student/faculty relationships, small classes, residential nature, and liberal arts focus all help set Ripon apart. 

Ripon College

Quick Facts

Tuition and Fees
Room and Board:
Student/faculty ratio
Major Areas of Study
Communication / Communication Studies

Available as a major

Pharmaceutical Science

Available as a major

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