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Bellin College completes expansion project to Health Sciences Resource Center

Bellin College students will benefit from enhanced interprofessional training and clinical simulation experiences because of a recently completed expansion project. Bellin’s Health Sciences Resource Center (HSRC) now includes an additional 8,500 square feet for a wide range of health education and training purposes. Construction began in January and was completed in May. Bellin College added a labor/delivery birthing suite that will serve as a permanent home to two of the college’s high-fidelity simulators—Noelle and Baby Hal. Additional facilities include an Intensive Care Unit, Pediatrics Unit, and Surgical Suite. With these state-of-the-art facilities, Bellin College continues to meet the growing healthcare needs of Wisconsin by providing advanced training for our future healthcare providers in the Northeast Wisconsin Area.

The College faculty will work collaboratively to create case studies and simulated learning experiences with medical students, nursing students, and radiologic sciences students.

As part of the expansion project, the Medical College of Wisconsin (MCW – Green Bay) joins Bellin College’s campus in July. MCW – Green Bay will have four exam rooms, a debriefing room, procedure room, and two offices. MCW – Green Bay utilizes standardized patients to learn assessments skills and physical assessment skills. Their standardized patients will have dedicated space to utilize between exams and practice sessions.

Bellin College was founded in 1909 and has grown to become one of Wisconsin’s premier private Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN), Bachelor of Science in Radiologic Sciences (BSRS) and Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) accredited degree granting colleges. A focused curriculum, extensive hands-on practice, leadership and service learning, and dedication to the values of Excellence, Integrity, Community, and Caring help our students succeed academically and professionally.