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WAICU Students’ Day 2015 a success

Thursday, March 26 was WAICU Students’ Day in the Capitol. As in past years, the students turned in an absolutely stellar performance. They took time off from work and from class to speak up for educational opportunity in the form of Wisconsin Grants. They were eloquent, informed, and civil—making all of us proud. As preparation for the individual visits in the capitol, WAICU president, Dr. Rolf Wegenke, moderated a panel of legislators including: Representative Joan Ballweg (author of the Wisconsin Commission on Financial Aid Consolidation and Modernization and considered the leading legislative expert on student financial aid), Representative Robb Kahl (a Ripon College graduate and trustee), Senator Jennifer Shilling (Senate Minority Leader who represents Viterbo University, UW La Crosse, and Western Wisconsin Technical College), and Senator Paul Farrow (Assistant Majority Leader and Carroll University graduate). These legislators were fully engaged by the students, focused on the importance of Wisconsin Grants, and appreciative of the role WAICU and WAICU members play in this state. Just having the dialogue was a big step forward.

Of course, there is much work lying before us before the state budget passes. One thing you could do today is join the more than one thousand Wisconsin Grant supporters who have signed the online petition at, and encourage others to do so.