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Title IX Training & Resources

This multi-layered program managed by WAICU provides members with Title IX training and resources, including staffing and sample policies, from a WAICU-member staffing pool and member-provided trainings to resources and training provided through vendor partners.

Grand River Solutions

Grand River solutions provides a wide range of products and services to further an equitable culture of trust, respect, and belonging. They are a community of experts from education, law, technology, and business brought together by the shared belief that all students and employees, from every level and size institution, deserve equal access to their learning and working environments, free from harassment and discrimination.

Grand River Solutions uniquely supports each community in developing systematic change that not only meets compliance requirements but also creates a sustainable framework for mutual respect. Their in-the-field practitioners specialize across the spectrum from building systems and capabilities to comprehensive response and resolution services that effectively address your gender, equity, and Clery Act goals.

Grand River Solutions Contact
Darci Heroy (she/her)
Regional Director of Client Relations and Engagement
(650) 383-4753 EXT 128
Book an Appointment Here

Jahanna Azarian (she/her)
Director of Marketing
(352) 514-6586


Ballast is a team of professionals with real-world experience at colleges and universities providing Title IX training, investigations, adjudications, interim role-filling and related services to WAICU members. Ballast partners with educational institutions by providing Title IX solutions in a collaborative, customizable, and practical manner. Ballast recognizes that each school is unique, and tailors its services to fit specific campus needs while honoring institutional knowledge and values.

Ballast Contact

Specializing in Title IX training, Catharsis Productions delivers truly engaging and interactive interpersonal violence prevention content that responds to each learner’s input in a conversational way, making each learner’s online experience unique. Catharsis programs are overwhelmingly preferred by students, faculty, and staff when asked to compare them to others. Catharsis trainings meet the VAWA/Clery/Title IX education requirements by addressing consent, bystander intervention, healthy relationships, sexual assault, relationship violence and stalking. Catharsis provides easily accessible personalized client service and offers all the technical capabilities of much larger companies. 

For more information, please contact David Stobie at or by cell at 314-495-7241. 

To contact WAICU about the program, email

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